Thursday, January 15, 2015

Closet Update

Woot woot! The closet is here, it is in, and it is ready to be loaded up!

It took three long days, a few late nights, and 4 hands blistered from all the screwing, cam-locking, dowel-hammering fun! And, out of 43 pieces, we only broke one part (albeit a big one and we're still debating whose fault it was; we'll say it was Ikea's fault for the sake of our marriage.)

What you see is only my side. Pat has half a side, but the other half is the piece we broke. It'll take about 2 weeks before that piece's replacement arrives, so until then he has to live in three and a half very small-yet-well-organized feet.

Here's a quick look at the journey we took to get to this point:

This is definitely, positively, absitutely (who got the HIMYM reference?) not a reveal. There's still a lot to be done in here and many more pictures and updates to come.

Until then, friends...


  1. HI Katie! Congrats on your home journey! My husband found your site and I've been keeping up with your housing shenanigans... We are building our home too, also with StanPac. Still in the early stages (completing our design appt next week!) I'm trying to blog about it as well, but I'm an absolutely slacktastic in the regular blogging dept. *may have something to do with my readership consisting of just my husband* Anyways! Thanks for blogging regularly, i certainly dig it! Still not sure how to post about my home and location without actually giving up/out the location lol but we'll see!

    1. Good luck on your new house; we're really happy with not only the StanPac product, but the customer service, too. I'm no one to preach about blogging regularly, but that and solid social media support would be a great way to grow your readership. Also, don't worry too much about your location because if someone really wanted to find that they can through Google, public records, or even the White Pages. Not to make you paranoid, just being real. Share it with enthusiasm and readers will follow.
