Tuesday, July 29, 2014

We're Going Fencing!

The Rached Dog Park is open for business!

And those hydrangeas are looking much nicer. Our grass, not so much.

After months of HOA problems, erosion, and actually saving up some money, we finally got to install our fence! This fence is very-long nine months in the making, AKA the length of a Jessica Simpson pregnancy.

Boone hasn't quite figured out how he feels about it. He loves spending more time outside and we love not having to watch him so closely. He does not, however, love how it cuts down on his fetch space or when we go inside and he's left out there alone.

Boo's never done the whole fence thing. The only time we even tried when he was about 4 or 5 months old; he found the only gap under the fence, came around to the front door and just watched us. I have no idea how long he was there before we noticed. In the mean time we're placating him with his Chuck-It ball.

Our HOA only allows black, aluminum fences, so that made our choice an easy, albeit expensive, one. Since our yard is teeny-tiny, we decided to enclose every square inch allowed. And we picked a five foot height, because we like big dogs. One of our neighbors pointed out that it's added security which we hadn't even considered. Most houses in Brightwalk have four foot fences or nothing at all.

This is one of the very last items on our non-negotiable list from before we even moved in. What that means is we can finally start focusing on making this house a home (I always feel cheesy when I say that) versus check items off a to-do list.

We still plan to add a patio, dog house, and plenty of landscaping to our yard.

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