Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wait for it, wait for it...

I know, I know. I said I'd wait until Monday to go check on our little hovel, but Sunday afternoon it was just calling my name. Of course, no work is done on the weekends and since I saw it on Thursday, it seemed highly unlikely that there would be anything newsworthy. But I still had to go.

No, this is not our house.  Keep waiting (I promise that hurt me more than you)...

While there continues to be no news on our homesite, the neighbors are probably squealing with excitement right now. When I visited Thursday, the house two down from us (the one that used to be only about 2-3 days ahead of us, until the rain pushed back our foundation) was staring to get framed. Nothing fancy, like maybe two out of four sides.
When I swung by today, the house was framed all the way through the second floor. No roof yet, but it had real floors and real stairs and it was solid enough for me to walk around. Yes, I will walk around others property up until there is a lock on the door. Feel free to do the same at our home, just leave it the way you found it.

From the second floor, I took a picture of our lot. Very exciting as it was an angle I've been able to see, but never found a vantage point to capture it on film until now. Our house will be the one with the giant puddle. Rain loves the Racheds.

The coolest thing about their "house" is that it made all this feel really real...like I could see how in just a few months time, this will actually be where we live. For the next several years. Crazy.

I took some time wandering around the lots, taking pictures of the fresh grading, trying to get ideas for landscaping. I walked to the park across the street. I took time just taking it all in. "This will be the view from the dining room." "This will be the view from the bedroom." "This is roughly where I'll sit to watch TV." "This is how the neighbors' houses will line up with ours." I was much more introspective than this goofy girl normally is.

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