Tuesday, September 10, 2013

House Update: the Amost There Tour

Well, well, well. Here we are again: another house update with no big changes.

Candidly, I feel like we're getting to the point where I'm splitting hairs to find something new to update y'all on. At this point our home basically appears finished. Every time I go, I can pick out maybe one or two new things that aren't really newsworthy (did you see the new light switch?). So I've decided to suspend any house updates until it's move-in time; not-so-secretly, I'm afraid sharing every tiny detail will make the grand reveal anticlimactic at best.

In place of pictures of menial changes, I've compiled all the most recent pics into one convenient post. I have been getting oodles of requests to see up-to-date pictures, so the last house update for the foreseeable future will be the Almost There Tour. Hopefully this will hold you over for the next couple of weeks until I'm ready to show you everything.




New Alert: shelving is in throughout all the closets. Ironically, one of the projects I look forward to the most is tearing all this wire junk out. Best part of the pantry is, this view is only half of it.

New Alert: The bathrooms all have mirrors!



New Alert: We finally have a shower door! Not too shabby, Racheds.

Not new, but I thought all of you would like to know that I've christened the throne room...I really had to go. It's fine, the toilet flushes, but without any electricity it was like peeing in a cave. Like in school when you learn about absolute darkness that your eyes can never adjust to. Then when I came downstairs after peeing in a dark room in an unfinished house on a construction site, the realtor was there. Mildly embarrassing.

New Alert: Our garage has siding, still needs the trim work completed and the actual garage door.

Just because I'm suspending house updates does not mean I won't be blogging. I've got plenty of stuff going on between now and move-in day and I'm sure I'll screw something up in a ridiculously embarrassing way. I'm blushing preemptively.

See you soon!


  1. It looks so good! Did you ever choose the pictures for the entrance? Do you have a date yet?

    1. Thanks. I did pick out the pictures, but you'll have to wait and see! No, still no date; hopefully any day now...
